Four teams departed from Sterling College over the past week to serve in other countries. The 37 students, staff and alumni traveled to East Asia, Guatemala, India, and Panama.
On Saturday, May 17, Sterling College had 146 students turn their tassels to officially become alumni of the College. The 122nd commencement ceremony was held on East Cooper Lawn at 9:45 a.m. with President Scott A. Rich presiding.
Graduates in the Class of 2014 include:
Edward Femi Adesodun Jr. of Mesquite, Texas, B.A. in Art and Design: Graphic Design,
Seventeen Sterling College students, alumni, and Dr. Brad Nix, associate professor of music, will combine musical forces with composer Joseph Martin to perform three concerts in the United Kingdom. They will begin at Southwark Cathedral in London, and travel to York Minster in York, England, and St. Giles’ Cathedral in Edinburgh, Scotland.
The 2014 recipients of Sterling College’s highest alumni award, the Distinguished Service Award, have devoted their lives to serving God and the health and well-being of others. R.C. “Corky” fs69 and Mary (Creswell) ’69 Trotter were recognized for their service at Sterling’s 122nd commencement ceremony held on Saturday, May 17, 2014.
Erin Laudermilk, assistant professor of athletic training, was awarded the 2014 McCreery Teaching Award on Saturday, May 17, at Sterling College’s commencement ceremony.
Former Professor of Chemistry Dr. Curtis Beechan was conferred the rank of faculty emeritus during Sterling College’s commencement exercises on Saturday, May 17, on the East Cooper Lawn. Beechan taught at the College since 1986.
Each year, two Sterling College students who reflect the ideal Sterling College graduate receive the Professor Fran Jabara Leadership Award in conjunction with the Outstanding Male and Female Graduate award. This year, the award was presented to Nathan Ehresman of Wichita, Kan., and Emily Walker of Sterling, Kan.
On Saturday, April 26, 2014, the new baseball scoreboard on the Sterling College baseball field was dedicated. The scoreboard was damage last year in a wind storm. Florence Hill, a 1950 graduate of Sterling College, was visiting the campus last fall and saw the damaged scoreboard. She was wanting to do something for her alma matar. Florence met her sweetheart, Ollie, at Sterling College. He was a avid baseball fan and she was excited about the opportunity to honor his life by donating the funds to buy the new scoreboard.
The Class of 2014 will graduate from Sterling College on Saturday, May 17, at 9:45 a.m. Graduation activities begin Friday morning with a senior breakfast sponsored by the alumni office. A senior dinner and Baccalaureate will take place Friday evening. Wayne Hardy ’75, pastor at Kirk of the Hills in Tulsa, Okla., will deliver his speech, “Remember Who You Are,” at 7:30 p.m. in Culbertson Auditorium. Dr.
On Friday, May 2, Sterling College inducted 13 students into the college chapter of National Honor Society, Alpha Chi. An induction ceremony was held in Cornerstone on the campus of Sterling College to welcome the top 10 percent of the junior and senior class into this elite group of students.