
Justin Morris - Sterling College
Associate Vice President of Athletics and Facility Management
Woman smiling at the camera
Assistant Professor of Accounting
Kristi Parish - Sterling College
Gifts Processor
Brent Peintner - Sterling College
Assistant Professor of Sports Management
Katie Petersen - Sterling College
Assistant Professor of Art & Design
Angie Plett - Sterling College
Director of Human Resources
Mason Rich - Sterling College
Enrollment Services Counselor
Jessica Saiz - Sterling College
Head Cheer Coach
Holly Schmidt - Sterling College
Assistant Professor of Public Relations & Digital Media
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Assistant Football Coach
Jack Shields - Sterling College
Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach
Trajen Smith
Athletic Enrollment Services Counselor
Taylor Stotlz - Sterling College
Head Softball Coach
Randy Strange - Sterling College
Head Men’s Basketball Coach
Vice President of Enrollment Services
Karsen Surface - Sterling College
McCreery Hall Resident Director
Adam Taylor - Sterling College
Director of Physical Plant
Director of Online Programs
Associate Professor of Business; Dept Chair of Business
Anna Kuns - Sterling College
Assistant Professor of Athletic Training
Professor of Criminal Justice; Department Chair of Social Sciences
Associate Professor of Communication; Chair of the Communication, Media & Theatre Arts Department, Director of Forensics & Debate
Creative Director
Shebuel Varghese - Sterling College
Assistant Professor of Theology & Ministry
