Sterling College Quick FAQ

Sterling College is located in Sterling, Kan. – the heartland, the center of Kansas. The town of Sterling is on Highways 96 and 14 and is an hour from Wichita.
How will I know if Sterling is right for me?
The best way to find out is to visit campus. Any day is a Visit Day at Sterling. You can tour campus, meet professors and students and experience the atmosphere to see if Sterling is the place for you. You can schedule a visit here.
Does Sterling offer career preparation?
In addition to the assistance from faculty within each major, Sterling has a Career Counselor on staff to help in the quest for finding the right career and getting that first position.

What is the academic reputation of Sterling College?
For more than a century, Sterling has built a reputation as a college which is academically demanding and enthusiastically Christian. The Higher Learning Commission (230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, Illinois 60604-1413) recently awarded Sterling its highest accreditation rating.
Are there travel study opportunities at Sterling?
Yes, Sterling is part of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities and offers numerous study-abroad possibilities such as: Oxford, Russia, Latin America, Australia, LA Film Studies and Washington, DC. In addition, some academic programs offer trips to support student learning in the field!
Is there Internet access on campus?
Sterling College is a wireless campus. If you have a laptop you can log in from anywhere on campus. Laptops are great to have but not an absolute necessity. Computer labs are available in all residence halls as well as the library and the science building.

Is Sterling College accredited?
Sterling College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. The education program is accredited by the Kansas State Department of Education and the athletic training program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education.
Why would I want to go to a private college instead of a larger university or community college?
It all boils down to value. The teachers at a private college are usually going to be able to offer you more personal attention because they are working with fewer students. They can meet you where you are and help you get to where you want to go with your education. At a private college like Sterling, you have the added benefit of learning among students and from teachers who share your desire to serve Christ and grow in your faith.

What does "Christian college" mean?
What it doesn't mean is a college where there are a lot of restrictive rules you have to follow. We do prohibit the obvious things, like drugs and alcohol. And we do have certain minimal requirements, like so many hours of chapel each year. But mostly what "Christian college" means at Sterling is a place where you can enjoy a rich fellowship with friends who share your faith. It also means you'll have opportunities, through college-sponsored ministries, to learn how to serve others in our community and in the communities around us. Bottom line: We think you'll find that "Christian college" at Sterling has a lot less to do with rules and restrictions and a lot more to do with fun and enriching fellowship and spiritual growth.
Is Sterling College affiliated with a church denomination?
Sterling College had a historical affiliation with the Presbyterian Church, which founded the college in 1887. Currently, several denominations are represented. Sterling’s Christian perspective is evangelical in nature.
What does Sterling College mean by "Christ-centered"?
Sterling College is committed to a Christian perspective but does not have a statement of faith required for admission. Chapel is required and a Christian worldview is part of the curriculum of every major. There are abundant opportunities for praise and worship as well as servant leadership.

What performing arts are offered at Sterling College?
Sterling offers theatre productions, multiple choirs, band, art exhibits and classes, forensics and debate, and ministry teams.
What activities are big at Sterling?
Great question! Athletics and arts are huge at Sterling. Most students are involved in one or the other – or both! If students are not on a Warrior athletic team, many of them go to cheer them on. It’s the same with theatre and music performances. Mission trips are also popular as are campus worship activities and student government. Sterling is a place for very active people.

What do alumni say about Sterling College?
Sterling was a great fit for me and my teammates/classmates, who are still some of my best friends and some of the best people you will ever meet. Sterling provided a place that challenged us in many ways but supported our growth. I would do it all again!
- Jess Langvardt ’06
Strength and Conditioning Associate for the Jacksonville Jaguars
As a student athlete, I was able to receive an outstanding education, build lifelong friendships, and grow in my faith. My education and experiences aid me today in my daily job, while also caring for high profile athletes and working for the National Hockey League and Major League Baseball organizations. I hold Sterling College very close to my heart, it’s a special place to me.
- Kevin Parker Smith
Class of 2002
(Soccer 98-02/Tennis98-99)