Sterling College is a Christ-centered institution. This is foundational to who we are and is woven into the very fabric of life on campus. Our life together is a life where we seek to know God better, understand our identity as God’s children, and embrace the callings that God has for us. Growing in knowledge, faith and action are all important as students are prepared for service and leadership during their time at Sterling. We believe that the most effective way to witness and serve the world around you is by modeling your principles after the one who gave His life away to save sinners like us: Jesus Christ.
As a christian college, our faculty and staff strive to integrate servant leadership into their everyday lives as they interact with students and one another. From your first semester on campus in Foundations of Servant Leadership to chapel, the dorm and the classroom, you will hear about teamwork and putting the needs of others before your own. We offer students several opportunities to practice servant leadership during their four years at Sterling College. Students can go on mission trips, volunteer at local churches, engage in opportunities to serve and lead peers or various other service opportunities. One of our biggest events is Love Sterling, an annual Saturday where students give back to the community by doing yard work, painting houses, helping elderly with maintenance projects and volunteering to help clean up the local area.
Additionally, built into each one of our majors is a service project requirement. This project intentionally integrates the concept of servanthood with a student’s academic discipline in order to develop and serve the community around them. Students quickly learn that service is not someone else’s career, but rather a central part of everyone’s successful vocation.
It is no wonder Sterling College students graduate with a servant’s heart and a leader’s mind. They head out into the world with a solid degree, prepared for a career in which their talents will be stretched to their fullest capacity, and an understanding of how to lead with compassion and by example.