The Academic Support Office works closely with faculty to provide reasonable accommodations for students who have documented disabilities. Our goal is to provide equal access to all academic programs and services in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the supplemental ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Reasonable accommodations may include, but are not limited to, individualized test-taking, extended test time, note-taking, audio textbooks, and various physical accommodations. The key principle is “accommodation,” meaning academic standards or course content cannot be altered. Students must make their abilities and limitations known and must meet instructors' expectations regarding class participation, attendance, and performance.

Requesting Accommodations

Students must request disability accommodations in a timely manner, preferably before the start of the semester. Accommodations can go into effect only after your eligibility has been verified and your accommodation plan has been established. Accommodation plans must be renewed every semester for each class the student chooses to renew in. It is up to the student to contact our office to renew their accommodation plans.


You have the right to privacy in all matters related to your disability. If you want accommodations, you need only to disclose your disability to the Director of Academic Support. The director will not disclose your disability to professors; only your approved accommodations. You can share more information about your disability with instructors if you feel comfortable doing so.

General steps in establishing accommodations:

  1. Student must contact the disability office to disclose their disability.
  2. Student must submit documentation of their disability along with suggested accommodations.
  3. Student will meet with the Accommodations Coordinator to discuss approved accommodations, and sign a "verification and release" form allowing the office to share accommodations with key college personnel.
  4. Accommodations will be sent from the Disability Services office to approved Faculty & Staff.
  5. Students must sign a new verification form each semester if they wish to renew their accommodations for their new classes.

Documentation Guidelines

Documentation should be no more than three years old and should come from a licensed professional qualified to diagnose your disability. These professionals may include:

  • physician
  • educational psychologist
  • psychologist
  • audiologist
  • speech pathologist
  • vocational rehabilitation counselor
  • physical therapist
  • occupational therapist

If you had an IEP in high school, you are responsible for contacting the school to request that the IEP be sent to Sterling College. Documentation can be submitted in person to the Academic Support Office. Contact Academic Support at 620-278-4463 or