Theology & Ministry Department
About the Department
The goal of the Theology & Ministry Department at Sterling College is to cultivate virtuous character, Christ-centered wisdom, and vocational excellence in our community of students. We offer three majors (Biblical Studies, Christian Thought, and Christian Ministries), as well as a number of minors. You can double major at Sterling, in our department and another, and we also offer several interdisciplinary degrees, such as Sports Ministry and Business Ministry. Sterling College now even offers a master’s degree in Sports Ministry. All TM degree paths include a significant number of shared classes, so that anyone graduating from Sterling with a degree from the TM department will be equipped to know the Bible well, to be formed spiritually, to understand the important beliefs and historical events of Christianity, and be ready for ministry in churches or parachurch ministries. Check out our department’s curriculum or Sterling College’s Academic Catalog for more specifics.
The TM department organizes a number of activities outside of coursework. We host a theology conference each fall, rotating between topics on theology, ministry, and the Bible. With other departments on campus, we are involved in an annual “Undergraduate Humanities Conference” that showcases the best original research by Sterling students, and we participate in a series of talks called “Theology+,” where we discuss what theology has to do with mathematics or business or the arts.
Other events are just for fun. We have regular get-togethers as a department, such as a chili cook-off at the start of the year and an ice-cream social at the end. We have monthly lunches together to discuss academic and practical issues, and faculty often have students over for meals or meet at coffee shops to discuss college, life, and life after college. We also like to stay in touch with our alumni as they go into work, ministry, and further studies.
Sterling also provides a variety of avenues for practical, hands-on ministry while in college — from missions trips to places like Nepal and Guatemala, to service projects and internships at churches, as well as ministry teams that lead worship services at local congregations and Christian high schools. While you’re at Sterling, you can also serve as a tutor for our department, helping teach fellow students who are taking general education courses from the TM department.
Example Events
- Undergraduate Humanities Conference (March 24, 2018), with Jemar Tisby, President of The Witness: A Black Christian Collective
- “Could Christ Have Risen?” (March 26, 2018), presentation and discussion with Glenn Butner and Tim Gabrielson
- Theology & Ministry Department Annual Conference (October 25, 2018), with Christina McRorie, Assistant Professor of Theology at Creighton University
- Theology+ Series (2018–2019): Theology + Mathematics, Literature, Science, and Business
Biblical Studies
Christian Ministries: concentrations in Missions, Sports Ministry, Worship Arts, and Youth & Family Ministries
Christian Thought
Biblical Languages
Biblical Studies
Christian Thought
Theology & Ministry (general minor)
Youth & Family Ministries
Dr. Timothy A. Gabrielson
Associate Professor of Biblical Studies;
Department Chair of Theology & Ministry
Shebuel Varghese
Assistant Professor of Theology & Ministry
Dr. Rachel Danley
Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies

Dr. Jennifer R. Bolton
Assistant Professor of Theology & Christian Thought