
125 Images

On November 1, 2012, Sterling College will celebrate its 125th anniversary. Leading up to the big day, we are sharing one photo every day from each year of our history. Follow along with us on our Facebook or Instagram profiles!



About Us

Welcome to Sterling!

About Sterling CollegeChoosing a college is kinda a big deal.

Before we get to the paperwork and forms, explore these pages to see what Sterling is really like. When you're ready, we'll help you apply. But first, let's get to know each other.

About Sterling, Kansas

Sterling College is located in Sterling, Kansas. The town has tremendous love for its College and is one of the biggest supporters of collegiate athletic events, theatre productions, concerts and students. As part of our HOST family program, they even "adopt" college students and invite them into their homes to eat a home-cooked meal or to do laundry!

Here are some of the amenities you will find in Sterling:
