SC to host PBL State Leadership Conference

On Saturday, Sept. 21, 2013, Sterling College will be hosting the Phi Beta Lambda Fall State Leadership Conference. PBL is the collegiate subdivision of Future Business Leaders of America, and Sterling College has been a member of this organization since 2011. This conference is focused on providing team-building exercises and leadership training for all PBL chapters in the state of Kansas in order to increase membership and build stronger chapters.
“Hosting the PBL Fall State Leadership Conference is a great opportunity for Sterling College to gain exposure among the other colleges in Kansas. It is a chance to show off our campus, our business department and the quality of our business students. The students and faculty in the business department are excited about this opportunity and hope to use this conference as a springboard to grow our department and interest in our major,” said Assistant Professor of Business Timothy Thorpe.
In April, a group of students from the Sterling College PBL chapter attended the state board meeting with Thorpe. During an open time for discussion, junior Erica Wilt and Thorpe discussed the possibility of hosting the PBL Fall State Leadership Conference at Sterling College.
“We had brainstormed ideas for the conference beforehand. When we reached the time in the meeting to discuss locations they opened the floor for anyone who wanted to suggest a location. I suggested Sterling and then presented the plans we had brainstormed for the conference. The advisers and board members were impressed by the efforts we had already put in to the conference and decided right then to vote on the issue,” said Wilt.
The Sterling College chapter of PBL is hopeful about what having the State Leadership Conference in Sterling will do for the students involved.
“I pray that this year will be a successful year of growth and learning not only for Sterling PBL, but for all the chapters across the state of Kansas,” said Wilt.
Sterling College is a Christ-centered, four-year college located in Sterling, Kan., with a mission to develop creative and thoughtful leaders who understand a maturing Christian faith. For more information, visit
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