Sterling College Invites the Public to This Week's Events
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Unless noted, all of the following are free.
Nov. 5, Friday, Annual Heritage Convocation, 10 a.m., Culbertson Auditorium
Nov. 5, Women's Soccer, 1st round KCAC tournament, 4 p.m. soccer field. There is a charge for admission.
Nov. 5 and 6, "The Quality of Life" theatre performance, 8 p.m., Culbertson Auditorium, $5 for adults; $3 for children, students and seniors
Nov. 7, Sunday chapel, speaker Christian Dashiell, 7 p.m., Culbertson Auditorium
Nov. 8, Women's Basketball vs. Doane College, 7 p.m., Gleason. There is a charge for admission.
Nov. 10, Wednesday Chapel, speaker Anne Smith, 10 a.m., Culbertson Auditorium