Sterling College Students Go on Mission Trip to Ghana

The Sterling College mission trip to Ghana this summer will stretch the eight members of the team as they preach, witness and build relationships throughout the country. The team will have opportunities to speak in local churches, schools and even on the street, but team members will also serve in any other way they can.
"We are excited to teach people in Ghana about Christ," said Team Leader Zack Yarbrough. "I have a strong suspicion that they will be teaching us a lot about how to love each other." Yarbrough, a senior at the College, has been on two other SC mission trips, to Nicaragua and Peru, but he has never led a team before. "I will be stretched this summer, but I trust that God has called me to this position for a reason and that he will strengthen me every step of the way."
The Ghana team will leave July 9 and return July 23. It is one of five SC mission teams going out this summer. For more information about Sterling College mission trips, visit