Sterling College to host Dr. Alan Noble

Widely published speaker Dr. Alan Noble will speak at Sterling College’s inaugural Undergraduate Humanities Conference on Saturday, March 25. The assistant professor of English at Oklahoma Baptist University will deliver his address at 1:30 p.m. in Heritage Hall of Cooper Hall. The public is invited to attend his address, as well as the student presentations earlier in the day.
“The undergraduate humanities conference is something special that Sterling College offers that no other school in the KICA offers. The professors who have taken time to put this together, the students who are preparing presentations, and our keynote speaker, Dr. Alan Noble, are all to be commended for their efforts in this conference. The conference will be a success because of their hard work and initiative,” said Dr. Ken Brown, vice president for academic affairs.
Noble is the editor-in-chief of the online magazine Christ and Pop Culture and a co-founder of the evangelical political organization Public Faith. His work has appeared in The Atlantic, Vox, Buzzfeed, First Things and Christianity Today. His book, “Disruptive Witness,” will be published in 2018 with InterVarsity Press.
The morning will showcase approximately 20 student presentations from language and literature, theology and ministry, and social sciences department. Taking place from 10 a.m. - 12:15 p.m., the following presentations will be in Cooper Hall:
Science, Faith, and the Creation of the World (10 a.m., Incubation Lab 1)
Christian Witness in a World of Suffering and Conflict (10 a.m., Incubation Lab 2)
Contextualizing the Gospel to Culture (11:15 a.m., Incubation Lab 1)
Christianity and the Arts (11:15 a.m., Incubation Lab 2)
Sterling College is a Christ-centered, four-year college located in Sterling, Kansas, with a mission to develop creative and thoughtful leaders who understand a maturing Christian faith. For more information, visit