Sterling College continues to grow outside of Kansas

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Sterling College reported their official enrollment numbers for 2015 with the fourth highest count in College history, 704 students. Over the past five years Sterling has increased its minority percentage by eight points, reporting 27 percent of students claimed an ethnicity of black, Hispanic, American Indian and Asian/Pacific Islander this year. The College also reported students coming from 28 states and eight international countries, a significant increase in the number of international students in the last five years.

“I am very proud of the growth we are seeing as an institution as our full-time equivalency is the second highest in Sterling College history. It is encouraging to see growth in the number of geographic locations our students call home and hope to continue this trend in the future. As we look toward the bigger picture of what we believe as an institution, I pray that our focus on servant leadership will continue to revolutionize the lives of our students,” said Scott Rich, president.

There is also a small shift in popular majors on campus. It was reported in 2014 that the top three majors declared by the entire student body were business administration, elementary education and athletic training. The top three majors declared by the first-time freshmen of 2015 were athletic training, biology and elementary education. Transfer students declared the most majors in sports management, athletic training and health science.

First-time freshmen totaled 141 students. Together with transfer students and returning students, they increased the international students to a count of 12, coming from Angola, Australia, Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, and Puerto Rico.

The diversity of states represented is also up from 2014, leading to a drop in the percent of students coming from Kansas, Colorado and Oklahoma. Those three states, however, along with California and Texas, continue to account for the top five states represented in the student body. The top five denominations reported by the entire campus saw a decline in Methodist students, making this year’s top five reported religious affiliations to be non-denominational, Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian and Christian.

Sterling College is a Christ-centered, four-year college located in Sterling, Kansas, with a mission to develop creative and thoughtful leaders who understand a maturing Christian faith. For more information, visit