Sterling College’s Wagley, Nickel graduate KICA leadership academy

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Sterling College was represented in the KICA Aspiring Academic Leadership Academy’s 2017 graduating class by Dr. Spencer Wagley, assistant vice president for academic affairs, and Hans Nickel, assistant professor of sports management. The academy, which graduated its inaugural class on March 17, is a one-year program intent to strengthen future leaders of KICA academic departments and divisions.

“I’ve learned a great deal during from the academy. We have been blessed to have leaders within higher education share their wisdom with us. It was also nice to be able to dialogue with faculty and staff from other institutions. The KICA did a great job of planning and facilitating this yearlong event,” said Dr. Spencer Wagley, associate vice president for academic affairs.

The academy provided learning opportunities including “budgeting within the broader institutional framework, using data effectively, hiring and faculty evaluation tools and balancing department tasks” with teaching and scholarship responsibilities.

“The skills learned and the knowledge gained while participating in the KICA Leadership Academy have benefited me as I have moved into leadership roles this academic year. Matt Lindsey and the Credo team that have been leading the program have provided incredible insight into higher education trends that have helped me in forming long-term strategies for the department that I now chair on campus. I really want to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Rich and Dr. Brown for sending Dr. Wagley and me to this program,” said Hans Nickel, assistant professor of sports management and chair of the Department of Exercise Science.

Sterling College is a Christ-centered, four-year college located in Sterling, Kan., with a mission to develop creative and thoughtful leaders who understand a maturing Christian faith. For more information, visit