Sterling College begins the new school year with five more new employees; Adriana Gonzalez, Julie Jaderston, Tina McFerrin, Josh Musselman and Pattie Nix have begun working at Sterling College this month in various capacities.
Do you think you capture some of the best moments at Sterling College on camera?
Submit your photo and we’ll be the judge!
Each week you’re invited to submit a photo Sterling College-related experience or event by posting the photo on Instagram wtih the hashtag #SCimage. You have until Sunday at midnight to submit your best photo and caption. A winner will be selected every week and will receive a $5.00 gift card and have their photo displayed on the Sterling College Facebook page and Instagram account!
Faculty Emeritus of Psychology Dr. Arnold Froese will speak at Sterling College’s Keynote Convocation on Friday, August 23. Froese will deliver his speech, “What’s the Point,” at 10 a.m. in Culbertson Auditorium. The public is invited to attend.
Will Best, Ryan “Pete” Manely and Clay Thomas were honored for a decade of service to Sterling College at the annual Kickoff Banquet on Thursday, Aug. 8.
Best began his career at Sterling College as a full-time professor and has continued serving the College as an adjunct. He has taught in a variety of departments: language and literature, history and theology and ministry.
This fall five new faculty members will be teaching at Sterling College. Gidget Dinkel, Dr. Jennifer Dyson and Dr. Randal Newhouse will teach full time, while pro-rata faculty include Jeff Darnauer and Dorothy Kempf.
Sterling College is pleased to announce that Sheila Bird will be joining the Office of Institutional Advancement as the new director of planned giving.
Students returning from summer vacation will be greeted by new faces in the offices of Sterling College. Four new employees have begun working for the College over the past month including Ashley Barnes ’12, Kendra Grizzle, Sara Hiatt and Courtney Huber ’13.
This summer, the Sterling College Art and Media Center is receiving a facelift. This renovation is being done by the Service Department with special thanks to Rick Winters, plumber, Ben Swihart, and student workers Micah Mitchell, Drew Davis, Isaac Stephenson and David Tank.