Dr. Brad Nix, associate professor of music at Sterling College, has been asked by Shawnee Press to serve as a clinician at their annual Music in the Mountains Conference in August 2012.
Dr. T. H. Kwa, professor of business at Sterling College, was sponsored by the city of Sterling’s E-Community Business Group to attend the Rural Opportunities Conference in Salina, Kan., where he received a round of applause for his comments after Governor Brownback’s presentation.
Nine students and three faculty from the Sterling College Athletic Training Education Program attended the Kansas Athletic Trainer’s Society state meeting on November 6 at Kansas State University and won third place in the Kansas Athletic Training Quiz Bowl Competition.
The Sterling College debate team beat regional rival and third in the nation Texas Tech en route to a first place finish at the Cameron University Christmas Classic tournament hosted December 3-4 in Lawton, Okla. This win helped the Sterling College team secure a ranking of 13th in the nation.
The India and Philippines missions trip teams will be hosting a silent auction downtown at Broadway Market on Monday, December 5 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:45 p.m. Melissa Virts, leader of Team India, said, “We will be selling a little bit of everything. We have crafts, ornaments, crochet and knit items, homemade canned goods, and a refurbished bicycle.”
If you want to earn college credits this summer or take a class for personal enrichment, look no further than Sterling College. Summer classes will be held online from May 14 – June 22.
The Sterling College choirs will join together on Sunday, December 4, at 2:00 p.m. at the Sterling Methodist Church. The Christmas concert, Candlelight, will feature the SC Chorale and SC Highland Singers under the direction of Mark Clark and the SC Concert Choir under the direction of Laura Bateman.
The Sterling Community Band will be performing their first concert of the year on Tuesday, November 29, at 7:30 p.m. in Upper Wilson Hall on the campus of Sterling College. The concert will open with the Sterling College Flute Choir, and followed by the SC Wind Ensemble playing movements from Second Suite in F for Military Band by Gustav Holst. Next, the community band, consisting of college students and members of the Sterling and surrounding communities, will take the stage.
Sterling College students found themselves presented with a unique opportunity this fall. Mike Redondo, President of the Catholic Student Association (CSA) on campus, was looking for opportunities to get to know some of the Catholic students better and found the perfect solution through a road trip to a monastery.