Some Sterling College students are receiving instruction from an unusual source: third graders!
In an initiative started by Judith Best, an assistant professor in the SC elementary education department and the administrator of Sterling Academy Charter School, students in the social studies methods class at SC correspond with students at Newark Christian School in New Jersey.
The 59th Annual Keetoowah Cherokee Celebration included a pow-wow, stomp dance, and competitions such as the Cornstalk Shoot. But for the Sterling College students and faculty who attended the celebration, these things were not the most memorable parts of their trip. "One of the highlights for me was to see how the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokees strives to help all people: children, elders-just anyone who needs help. I was impressed with their determination to help all aspects of society," said Doug Boardman, an assistant professor in the history department.
At the Pi Kappa Delta Tournament, hosted by Ottawa University on October 16-18, the Sterling College debate and forensics teams achieved a first and second place finish, respectively, increasing the debate team's stellar record and setting the young forensics team up for a strong future.
"This is a day to express gratitude-for the ways God has led this institution for 122 years and the ways He continues to lead it today." Tony Thompson '69, chair of Sterling College's Board of Trustees, opened President Paul J. Maurer's inauguration ceremony with those words. He continued, "This day we celebrate the installation of Sterling's eleventh president and we look forward to his leadership of Sterling's future."
"The Boys Next Door," a touching comedy of love and understanding, is being performed by the Sterling College Theatre Department on Friday and Saturday, November 13 and 14, 2009, in Culbertson Auditorium on the Sterling College campus.
The Sterling College Art Gallery is hosting an exhibit of the work of two local artists: prints and ceramics by Alice Mattson of Sterling and abstract paintings by Donna Bridgeman of Hutchinson. The SC Art Gallery is located on the corner of 8th and Washington Streets in Sterling and is open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The closing reception for the exhibit will be held on Thursday, November 19. For more information, contact Sterling College Art Department Chair William Morse at or (620)278-4361.
Each year Kansas colleges send their math majors to the Kansas Association of Teachers of Mathematics annual conference-to watch, listen, and learn. They generally aren't leading sessions. Sterling College senior Kelli LaRosh, however, joined two of her professors, Dr. Beth Kilday and Professor Terri Gaeddert, and presented at the KATM's most recent conference, held on October 23 at Hays High School
On November 1, as riders at Inman Motocross prepared to race and jump at 40-70 miles per hour, twenty-two Sterling College students spaced themselves around the track. If there was an accident, the SC students had a job to do: step out onto the track and begin waving a large yellow caution flag.