Dr. Craig Smith, chair of the Theology and Ministry Department at Sterling College, continues to explore a Scriptural passage, Matthew 5:43-48, that has been of particular interest to him since he wrote "At the Cross: At the Crossroads," published in 2006 with OMF Lit. He has recently written "Loving Our Enemies: A Divine Task," a shorter piece which is also based on the Matthew 5 passage. This article will appear in the September/October issue of "Preaching" and is one of four articles by Dr. Smith that will be published this year.
Eighty artists entered nearly 200 pieces for consideration for the 36th annual Prairie Art Exhibition, what Juror Claudia True calls “a true cultural gem in central Kansas.” True chose 126 pieces, representing 61 artists, to be included in the exhibition. “Sterling should be proud to offer this quality and variety of art to its community,” said True.
Sterling College debate team member David Bowers of Hutchinson was unanimously elected as the District 6 Representative to the National Parliamentary Debate Association. Bowers said he is “thrilled to be in such a position—it’s yet another opportunity for the Sterling College debate team to leave its mark on debate.”
Sundays are not usually days of quiet rest for the Sterling College Forensics and Debate Team, and March 28 was no exception. Five members of the squad spent that Sunday at the 28th annual Novice National Tournament at Hutchinson Community College with the goal of creating some real noise about the Sterling program. They were successful; the five members finished the day with one national championship, six final round individual finishes and a second-place team finish.
From “Chicago” to “Oklahoma” along “Route 66” and then up “Sunset Boulevard,” “Life Is a Highway,” and geography is definitely a theme in the Sterling College Musical Theatre Cabaret, presented this Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in Upper Wilson Hall on the SC campus.
Love Sterling? A group of Sterling College students want to answer that question with a “Yes!” that is supported by some hard work and time. These students, led by Academic Chaplain Anne Smith and Theology and Ministry Chair Dr. Craig Smith, have contacted the city, businesses and churches of Sterling to learn of specific needs they can meet on Saturday, May 1, with an event they have named Love Sterling.
"Steel Magnolias," a well-loved contemporary drama filled with humor and emotion, is being performed by the Sterling College Theatre Department on Friday and Saturday, April 16 and 17, in Culberston Auditorium on the Sterling College campus.
Just over a year ago, on March 30, 2009, the Quiznos restaurant in Sterling opened its doors for the first time, and hundreds of college students, excited to eat out without having to get into their cars, lined up to eat. Evidently the hungry kept coming, even after the novelty wore off. During its first year of business Quiznos served approximately 21,000 customers. Sterling College Business Professor Tim Thorpe believes this success can be directly attributed to the SC business students who manage and work at the restaurant.
Former Sterling College student Fabricio Silva has won the prestigious Brazilian International Press Award for the second time, being named as the Best Print Reporter of the Year for 2009. "Winning once is great, winning twice is even greater," said Silva. "I'm overly excited with this recognition and want to use this prize to strengthen my alliance with a free and independent journalism." The Brazilian International Press Award was established in 1997 to recognize outstanding media work reporting on Brazilians abroad.
On Saturday, April 10, the Sterling College track team members did something they haven't done in a very long time. They competed at home. Due to the recent track renovation-which included a track surface installed in the summer of 2009 and a new discus and hammer ring installed just this spring-Sterling College was able to hold a home track meet for the first time in over a decade as the host of the ACCK Championships.