Sterling College is pleased to announce the hiring of Kelly Flaherty, as graphic designer and assistant to the president's office. She began on November 1 in this new role.
In 1946, the president of Westminster College sent an invitation to Winston Churchill via Harry Truman, asking him to make an appearance in Fulton, MO. Churchill not only accepted the invitation, but travelling by train along with President Harry Truman, he rode a train across the United States to reach the College. It was at that time and at that location that Churchill delivered perhaps his greatest oration, the "Iron Curtain" speech. The SC Debate team recreated the same trek, albeit by automobile, in accepting an invitation to appear and compete in a debate tournament to honor the legacy of Winston Churchill and his historic address 64 years ago.
The Sterling College Art & Design Department will be hosting a comic book workshop on Friday, November 12th from 3-4pm at the Art and Design building on the Sterling College campus. Jesse Mendoza will be the guest speaker.
Ted Weis, adjunct lecturer in biblical studies at Sterling College, taught a continuing education course on the Bible to a class of senior adults through Kansas University's Osher Institute.
"The Quality of Life," written by Jane Anderson and directed by Sterling College senior David Ireland, will be performed Friday and Saturday, Nov. 5 and 6, at 8 p.m. in Culbertson Auditorium on the Sterling College campus.
With an estimated 3.3 million daily visitors-up 50 percent from its numbers in April-Tumblr is one of today's most popular social networking sites, and seven Sterling College students are hoping to use it to share their real-life experiences at the College with prospective students.
Big decisions often involve many small steps. This is definitely true for Sterling College alumni Bryan '94 and Misty '95 Elliott, who have decided to go to Cardiff, Wales, in the spring of 2011 as missionaries. The Elliotts say they can look even as far back as their college years and see that God was leading them one small step at a time.
On Friday, Oct. 22, Sterling College will host Fred F. Berry Jr., chairman of Berry Companies, Inc., as its 2010 Oscar Schmidt Convocation speaker. The event will be held at Culbertson Auditorium on the Sterling College campus at 10 a.m. The event is free and open to the public.