Conard presents biology research at WSU

Based on his ongoing research at Quivira National Wildlife Refuge, Assistant Professor of Biology Dr. Jonathan Conard gave a research seminar on Feb. 4 at Wichita State University. His seminar was titled "Patterns of Association Between White-Tailed Deer: Assessing the Potential for Chronic Wasting Disease Transmission."
The seminar discussed the results from a project that Conard has been conducting at Quivira focusing on the contact rates between deer in relation to disease spread by using radio-telemetry to track deer movements. His research also involves conducting annual spotlight surveys to determine deer density. These results provide valuable data for the Refuge and have been conducted by student volunteers from Sterling College the past several years.
“I am interested in this particular research because there hasn't been much scientific work done with deer in Kansas, so this was a really great chance to get to learn something new about the ecology of deer in our area, and it was a privilege to share about my findings during the seminar,” said Conard. “I hope that the WSU students and faculty were able to see some practical applications of this research to effective deer management.”
“It is always encouraging to see faculty members taking their field of study beyond the walls of their classroom,” said Dr. Greg Kerr, vice president for academic affairs. “This is a great example of faculty engaging students in research and influencing the local community through their discipline.”
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