Sterling College Ambassadors

Shane Rogers
Theatre Arts
- Class you’re most excited about this semester: Intermediate Acting
- Favorite class you’ve taken at Sterling: Playwriting
- Favorite sweet treat: Mr.Goodbars
- Favorite place that you’ve ever traveled & why: Nicaragua because I got to see God do so many awesome things!
- Most thankful for: Small reminders from God.
- Favorite Movie: Inception
- Favorite Extracurricular: Theatre

Elijah L. Klein
Theatre Arts
Wichita, KS
- Class you’re most excited about this semester: Intermediate Acting/Intro to Old Testament
- Favorite class you’ve taken at Sterling: Music Theory 2
- Favorite sweet treat: Oreo Shakes
- Favorite place that you’ve ever traveled & why: Israel, because it brings an amazing sense of history and also fills the holes of what the scenery from the Bible looked like.
- Most thankful for: My introduction into theatre, it saved my life.
- Favorite Movie: Perks of Being a Wallflower
- Favorite Extracurricular: Theatre!

Haley Smith
Whittier, CA
- Class you’re most excited about this semester: Ethics of Business
- Favorite class you’ve taken at Sterling: Personal Finance
- Favorite sweet treat: Licorice
- Favorite place that you’ve ever traveled & why: Alaska, it was absolutely beautiful no matter where you were looking. The drive to go sightseeing was as astonishing as the actual site.
- Most thankful for: My family
- Favorite Movie: Law Abiding Citizen
- Favorite Extracurricular: Soccer

Kaylee Beutler
Clay Center, KS
- Class you’re most excited about this semester: Comparative Anatomy
- Favorite class you’ve taken at Sterling: Instructional Bible Study
- Favorite sweet treat: Peanut Butter Bars
- Favorite place that you’ve ever traveled & why: Anywhere of the 13 countries I've been to. I love to travel!
- Most thankful for: My family and friends but most importantly I am thankful for my relationship with my Heavenly Father.
- Favorite Movie: Tangled & Beauty and Beast
- Favorite Extracurricular: Intramural Basketball

Mackenzie Lynn McGuire (Kenz)
Graphic Design
Wichita, KS
- Class you’re most excited about this semester: Digital Imaging
- Favorite class you’ve taken at Sterling: B.C.D (Seth Svaty)
- Favorite sweet treat: Fruit Pizza!
- Favorite place that you’ve ever traveled & why: Disney World, it's the happiest place on earth
- Most thankful for: my family and friends
- Favorite Movie: ELF
- Favorite Extracurricular: Sand volleyball!

Lisa Laney
Elementary Education
Shawnee, KS
- Class you’re most excited about this semester: Elementary Math Methods
- Favorite class you’ve taken at Sterling: Elementary Art Methods
- Favorite sweet treat: Gummy Bears
- Favorite place that you’ve ever traveled & why: I liked traveling to Nicaragua more than anywhere else I have been, because it is a beautiful country full of extremely loving people.
- Most thankful for: Amazing loving friends!
- Favorite Movie: The Fall
- Favorite Extracurricular: Swing dancing and naps

Nicci Navarro
Athletic Training
Covina, California
- Class you’re most excited about this semester: SLEEP! Oh… my Lifeguarding Class
- Favorite class you’ve taken at Sterling: Nutrition
- Favorite sweet treat: Brownies or Chocolate milkshakes!
- Favorite place that you’ve ever traveled & why: Michoacán, Mexico because every time I go, I get to see my family members that I have not seen in years!
- Most thankful for: Having such a great support system and just being able to get the opportunity to come to a college, grow spiritually, and gain more knowledge.
- Favorite Movie: Lion King
- Favorite Extracurricular: Multicultural Club

Lexi B. Rutberg
Fort Collins, CO
- Class you’re most excited about this semester: Anatomy Of Poetry
- Favorite class you’ve taken at Sterling: Mime & Movement
- Favorite sweet treat: Dove Chocolate, or any chocolate really!
- Favorite place that you’ve ever traveled & why: Japan- It was really cool to see people with such a light from God living in a place where less than one percent of the people is Christian.
- Most thankful for: I'm most thankful for the freedom that I have in God and the ability to go to a Christian school.
- Favorite Movie: How To Train Your Dragon
- Favorite Extracurricular: Oh goodness! Theatre, Forensics, Choir, GPR...I love everything I do!

Renard Ballard
Dayton Ohio/ North Hollywood CA
- Class you’re most excited about this semester: Theories of Counseling
- Favorite class you’ve taken at Sterling: Old testament w/ Grizzle
- Favorite sweet treat: Reeses Cups
- Favorite place that you’ve ever traveled & why: Niagara falls - beautiful scenery
- Most thankful for: Community and friendships
- Favorite Movie: 300 (Sparta)
- Favorite Extracurricular: Listening to music and singing like I’m a member of a boy band

Shiloh Duff
Scott City, KS
- Class you’re most excited about this semester: Intermediate Acting
- Favorite class you’ve taken at Sterling: Advanced Acting
- Favorite sweet treat: Mr. Goodbar
- Favorite place that you’ve ever traveled & why: Home! It's where the heart is. :)
- Most thankful for: My life and the life of those around me
- Favorite Movie: The Passion of the Christ
- Favorite Extracurricular: Any time spent with my brothers.

Tennissa Williams
Wichita, KS
- Class you’re most excited about this semester: Social Entrepreneurship
- Favorite class you’ve taken at Sterling: New Testament
- Favorite sweet treat: Oreo Balls, hands down
- Favorite place that you’ve ever traveled & why: Tennessee, I just love that state. It's beautiful there.
- Most thankful for: The grace of Jesus Christ, no contest!
- Favorite Movie: The Princess and the Frog
- Favorite Extracurricular: Going to games (or meets) and cheering on the SC athletic teams

Jessica Bloom
Elementary Education
Wichita, Kansas
- Class you’re most excited about this semester: Cultural Diversity in Education
- Favorite class you’ve taken at Sterling: Classroom Management
- Favorite sweet treat: Hershey Milk Chocolate
- Favorite place that you’ve ever traveled & why: My favorite place that I have traveled would be Cedar Point because it was a lot of fun and I got to see where my dad grew up as a child.
- Most thankful for: I am most thankful for the life that I have been given and the wonderful people who are in my life.
- Favorite Extracurricular: Ceramics and Volleyball

Abbey Pickering
Music – Vocal Performance
Wichita, KS
- Class you’re most excited about this semester: Chorale!
- Favorite sweet treat: Tiramisu
- Favorite place that you’ve ever traveled & why: NYC… BROADWAY!
- Most thankful for: God’s Love and Friends
- Favorite Movie: Lord of the Rings Trilogy
- Favorite Extracurricular: Singing!

Madison (Maddie) Stephens
Wichita, KS
- Class you’re most excited about this semester: Developmental Psychology
- Favorite sweet treat: Sour Patch Kids or Slushes
- Favorite place that you’ve ever traveled & why: Guatemala, it was an awesome mission trip and so beautiful.
- Most thankful for: My siblings
- Favorite Movie: Beauty & the Beast
- Favorite Extracurricular: DANCE!

Erika Rojas
Elementary Education
Wichita, KS
- Class you’re most excited about this semester: Fundamentals of Language Arts for Elem. Teachers
- Favorite sweet treat: Kit Kats
- Favorite place that you’ve ever traveled & why: Nassau Bahamas – swam with dolphins
- Most thankful for: Family
- Favorite Movie: Despicable Me
- Favorite Extracurricular: I just like to hang out with cool people

Emily Wheeler
Elementary Education
Fredonia, KS
- Class you’re most excited about this semester: Old Testament
- Favorite sweet treat: Choc peanut butter shake
- Favorite place that you’ve ever traveled & why: Nicaragua. It was a mission’s trip and I saw God work in some great ways.
- Most thankful for: Family/Friends
- Favorite Movie: Lion King
- Favorite Extracurricular: Hunting/4-Wheeling

Summer Stanley
Elementary Education
Topeka, KS
- Class you’re most excited about this semester: Special Education
- Favorite sweet treat: Key Lime Pie, Take 5’s
- Favorite place that you’ve ever traveled & why: Belize for a mission trip
- Most thankful for: My Family
- Favorite Movie: Date Night or Despicable Me
- Favorite Extracurricular: It’s not technically an extracurricular, but I really like knitting.

Zach McGuire
Wichita, KS
- Class you’re most excited about this semester: Psychology
- Favorite sweet treat: Skittles
- Favorite place that you’ve ever traveled & why: Jamaica – Most beautiful place ever!
- Most thankful for: Jesus Christ
- Favorite Movie: Hot Rod
- Favorite Extracurricular: Any Sport

Alexandra (Zandy) Barner
Colorado Springs, CO
- Class you’re most excited about this semester: Old Testament
- Favorite sweet treat: Snickers
- Favorite place that you’ve ever traveled & why: Disney World, FL – I love Disney
- Most thankful for: Family
- Favorite Movie: Hitch
- Favorite Extracurricular: Choir or making new friends
Roy Abousamra
Los Altos, CA
- Class you’re most excited about this semester: Public Relations
- Favorite class you’ve taken at Sterling: Interpersonal Relations
- Favorite sweet treat: Twix
- Favorite place that you’ve ever traveled & why: Canada, my home country
- Most thankful for: My Family
- Favorite Movie: Indiana Jones
- Favorite Extracurricular: Football